
From Nomad Life Wiki

Utah (UT) is a state in the United States. This page collects resources you may need for travel, camping, and nomadic living in Utah. (Neighboring states are Arizona to the south, Colorado to the east, Idaho to the north, Nevada to the west, New Mexico to the southeast, and Wyoming to the north and east.)

Traveling in Utah

Wikivoyage: Utah
Wikipedia: Utah

Local Climate

Camping and Parking in Utah

Regulations in Utah

Utah parking regulations:

  • Ogden prohibits staying in cars or recreational vehicles parked on public property[1]
  • St. George limits street parking of vehicles to 24hrs and trailers to 96hrs.[2]
  • Check our parking regulations page for general information and disclaimers.

State and local regulations:

Search other resources

  • VanLivingForum.com: "Utah" in thread titles
  • Reddit: "Utah" in relevant subreddits

Channels in Utah

We currently have 25 channels with content produced in this state:


See more in the Utah category.