Arizona (AZ) is a state in the United States. This page collects resources you may need for travel, camping, and nomadic living in Arizona. (Neighboring states are California to the west, Nevada to the northwest, Utah to the north, New Mexico to the east, and Colorado to the northeast. Mexico is to the south.)
Traveling in Arizona
- National Parks in Arizona
- US Army Corps of Engineers > Lakes and recreation
- OnlyInYourState.com > Arizona
- Roadside America > Offbeat tourist attractions
- iExit guides > Cities in Arizona
- Scenic Byways
Wikivoyage: Arizona |
Wikipedia: Arizona |
Local Climate
- WeatherSpark > Climate and average weather in Arizona
- CurrentResults > Climate and average weather in Arizona
- Tips for keeping warm in your vehicle.
- See the weather page for additional resources.
Camping and Parking in Arizona
- Bureau of Land Management > Arizona
- AllStays > Arizona
- Campendium > Arizona
- FreeCampSites.net > Arizona
- Camping USA > Arizona
- KOA > Arizona
- The Dyrt > Arizona
- Boondocker's Bible > Arizona rest area rules and Arizona rest area map
- iExit > Rest areas in Arizona
- RVShare > Guide to RV Camping in Arizona
- RV-Camping.org > Arizona Camping and Campgrounds
- Recreation.gov > Arizona - recreation areas, camping, day use areas, and points of interest
- See the Finding parking page for additional information.
Regulations in Arizona
Arizona parking regulations:
- Ajo in Pima county issues "littering" tickets for depositing trash in park trash receptacles.[1]
- Coolidge bans "untended, unattached trailers specifically, city-wide, but can include unattached work trailers, off-highway vehicles on trailers, boats on trailers and RVs that are parked along the sides of roads continuously and for long periods of time (possibly longer than 48hrs)."[2]
- Flagstaff: forbids "living quarters" use of RVs parked in residential areas zones[3]; forbids overnight parking in commercial zones[4]; forbids commercial owners from posting "camping allowed" signs[5]; forbids parking in city-owned parking lots.[6]; passed an ordinance to let residents write parking violation tickets to each other[7]; Unofficially, Flagstaff is infamous for being anti-RV.[8][9][10],[11]
- Kingman forbids street parking of RVs and similar vehicles.[12]
- Phoenix prohibits camping on city lands, and also has a sit/lie law.[13]
- In Sierra Vista "it is unlawful for any trailer, camper, mobile home, boat, trailer house, motor home, or other recreational vehicle to be parked in a public street, alley, or other public place for more than five days within a 30-day period."[14]
- In Yuma overnight camping by any person, whether or not such camping takes place in a motor vehicle, shall be prohibited upon any public or private land, which property is not licensed by the city as a campground [15]
- Check our parking regulations page for general information and disclaimers.
State and local regulations:
- Municode Arizona
- GeneralCode Arizona
- American Legal Publishing Arizona
- USA.gov state and local government information
- State and Local government contacts
- Run a web search for "City name city code" or "City name parking regulations".
Search other resources
Channels in Arizona
We currently have 26 channels with content produced in this state:
- AdventureVanMan
- Adventuring With Amanda
- Aussie Van Man
- Darian Explores
- Dave's Camping Adventures
- Denise & Reed
- Eamon & Bec
- Living The Van Life
- Lorries Way
- LoveHut4Life
- Lulu’s Way
- Matty Van Halen
- Maximalist Minibus
- Minivan Lee
- My Basic Journey
- Mythical Nomad Adventure
- Nikki Delventhal
- One AdVANture At A Time
- Robert Witham
- Sage Roddy
- SurgicalTech VanLife
- Time To Go Adventure
- Vancaskeys
- Wandering Jeepsy
- Wayward Abode
- Where's My Office Now?
On the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, the Quetchen tribe offers long-term camping permits, $150 for 3 months as of December 2024.
- ↑ see comments on https://boondockplan.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/american-girl-mine-blm/
- ↑ https://www.pinalcentral.com/coolidge_examiner/news/coolidge-council-cracks-down-on-large-vehicles-parked-on-roads/article_83fb5008-edb1-5df0-ba08-4c44a969464c.html
- ↑ http://flagstaff.az.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/15036
- ↑ http://flagstaff.az.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/15036
- ↑ http://flagstaff.az.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/15036
- ↑ http://www.flagstaff.az.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/8306
- ↑ https://flagliberty.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/city-of-flagstaff-wants-citizens-to-enforce-parking-laws/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20150209132637/http://www.gypsyjournal.net/Unfriendly.html
- ↑ http://vogeltalksrving.com/2014/07/rv-parking-rules-a-double-whammy/
- ↑ http://azdailysun.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/city-of-flagstaff-considering-changes-to-rv-parking/article_d263f563-e269-5b81-8e78-5cf87cfd2768.html
- ↑ http://azdailysun.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/city-of-flagstaff-considering-changes-to-rv-parking/article_d263f563-e269-5b81-8e78-5cf87cfd2768.html
- ↑ https://kdminer.com/news/2018/oct/03/council-bans-street-rv-parking/ {paywalled}
- ↑ https://www.acluaz.org/sites/default/files/field_documents/homeless_rights_in_phoenix.pdf (pdf)
- ↑ https://www.kold.com/2019/07/27/rv-trailer-parking-code-takes-effect-aug-sierra-vista/
- ↑ https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/yuma/latest/yuma_az/0-0-0-40069