
From Nomad Life Wiki
A woman looks off to the side as she sits among the wildflowers near her motorhome.

Virginia (VA) is a state in the United States. This page collects resources you may need for travel, camping, and nomadic living in Virginia. (Neighboring states are Kentucky to the west, Maryland to the northeast, North Carolina to the south, Tennessee to the southwest, and West Virginia to the north and west.)

Traveling in Virginia

Wikivoyage: Virginia
Wikipedia: Virginia

Local Climate

Camping and Parking in Virginia

Regulations in Virginia

Virginia parking regulations:

  • Roanoke (city) forbids "the use of any city-owned street, sidewalk, alley, other public rights-of-way for living accommodation activities such as sleeping or lying down, and making preparations to sleep (including the laying down of bedding, sleeping bag, or other sleeping matter, for the purpose of sleeping) or storing personal belongings or making any fire or using any tent or shelter or other structure".[1]
  • Roanoke County forbids sleeping in vehicles, or "sleeping in recreational vehicles outside of established campgrounds".[2] Another source says Roanoke County Code 13-14 “makes it illegal for people to sleep in their cars and subjects them to warrantless seizures and searches by police and a fine of $250".[3]
  • Check our parking regulations page for general information and disclaimers.

State and local regulations:

Search other resources

  • "Virginia" in thread titles
  • Reddit: "Virginia" in relevant subreddits

Channels in Virginia

We currently have 5 channels with content produced in this state:

Located in Virginia

This page refers to a business, organization, etc. physically located here: