If you have a low clearance vehicle, parking in parking garages is a great way to have a paid spot to yourself if you don't need any amenities. It can also shelter your vehicle from snow and severe weather. Note that renting a parking space for the purpose of sleeping or camping there is usually not permitted by local law and/or the garage owner. Before sleeping overnight, check parking regulations to ensure that you are not breaking any rules, and be sure to follow best practices when parking at a business.
Underground levels and upper levels will generally be the quietest. The deepest underground levels will generally be the best temperature and the most protected from severe weather.
Note that parking garages will generally have bright lights on all night. This can be a disadvantage (harder to sleep, and impossible to get out of your vehicle without being seen) and an advantage (if any light leaks through your window coverings, it won't really be visible under the bright exterior lights).
If you are regularly parked in an underground parking garage, note that parking garages are not designed for human habitation and may not be tested for CO or radon. The risk is probably low in most areas.[1] You may want to get a carbon monoxide detector.
Other options
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SpotAngels | Easily find paid and free parking options in major cities | |
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Search NomadLife.wiki | Search other pages on this wiki for "parking garages" |