Waste water

From Nomad Life Wiki

Waste water (or wastewater) is a term for water that has been used and contaminated. Waste water is further classified as gray water or black water.

Gray water

Gray water (or graywater, grey water, sullage) is water that has been used for some non-sewage purpose, such as a shower or washing dishes. It may contain contaminates like food particles, soap, dirt, and grease. It has very limited further use and needs to be stored until it can be disposed of.

Black water

Black water (or blackwater, sewage, toilet water) is heavily contaminated waste water that may contain human waste, pathogens, or other hazardous material. It needs to be safely stored until it can be disposed of appropriately.

Dump stations

Dump stations are a convenient way to empty your black water (sewer) and gray water tanks.


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