Vehicle options

From Nomad Life Wiki
Two middle-aged women in heavy winter coats stand near two campervans in a snowy area near a pine forest

"The best van is the one that is best for you.

After determining that you might want or need to live in a vehicle, one of your first major considerations is "what kind of van should I get?" Sometimes the answer isn't a van at all, but some other platform that meets your needs better, or something you already have available.

This page is a starting point for finding the right vehicle for you. But first, ask yourself pre-built or self-built? That may inform your vehicle choice quite a bit!

Vehicle features

Knowing what features you need can help guide your vehicle selection. Read our vehicle features to consider page to see information on these features:


Nomad life vehicles include lots of options! Visit the pages for each vehicle type for additional information and resources.

These videos provide an overview of choices. Additional videos can be found on the pages for each vehicle type.


Vans are the most common choice for those who want to build their own mobile living quarters. For most people, they are a good balance of pros and cons. Professionally converted vans are also available.

Common full-size van models in the United States:

A cargo van is the most common "van dwelling" choice.

  • Pro - ease of modification, stealth, mounting solar, passthrough
  • Con - aesthetics, living space, used work vans can be beat up

A passenger van or conversion van has passenger seating in the rear and is commonly upfitted with A/V equipment, decor, and a raised roof.

  • Pro: stealth, raised roof, passthrough
  • Con: ease of modification, living space, disposing of seats

Commercial Trucks

Trucks offer significantly more room than vans, and are generally built on a heavy-duty chassis that will last much longer. However, they use more fuel, usually cost more to purchase and repair, and may be less comfortable to drive.

Skoolies and other buses offer lots of space and windows. Buses are often cheap to buy but may be expensive to convert and operate.

  • Pro: living space, easy to find
  • Con: Poor fuel economy, high parking difficulty, parts, insurance, serviceability, disposing of seats

Box trucks provide a large cubic space for an easy build.

  • Pro: Large living space, square shape easy to modify, easy solar mounting, passthrough (on some vehicles), space under truck to hang things
  • Con: Low MPG, insurance may be difficult to obtain, may be difficult to find repair shops, GWVR may require stopping at weigh stations in some jurisdictions, floor is above rear wheel (no wheel wells) so more difficulty getting in and out

Step vans provide a large cubic space for an easy build, with easier access than other trucks.

  • Pro: flat surfaces for easy build and solar mount, large living area, entrance steps and low floor height for easy ingress and egress, nondescript for stealth camping, easy engine access
  • Con: commercial vehicles often see very hard use, not ideal for regular highway driving (geared for local deliveries), may be difficult to find parking due to size, frequently have high miles, road noise

Ambulances can be a good compromise between a van and truck in terms of size and building platform.

  • Pro: coolness, built-in storage and electrical systems
  • Con: often have excessive idling hours, complex electrical systems that are unneeded, leaks around specialty lighting, insurance


Motorhomes are purpose-built for recreation and living, but are expensive and often have low build quality. They are generally grouped into three classes:

The Class A motorhome is a large, expensive RV that looks like a tour bus.

  • Pro: large comfortable living space, slide-outs for additional space, many built-in features and amenities, professionally designed and installed systems
  • Con: parking, expensive, build quality sometimes lacking, very tall overall height, high fuel usage

The Class B motorhome is a mini RV built into a passenger van chassis.

  • Pro: build quality, built-in amenities, passthrough, relatively good MPG
  • Con: parking, expensive

The Class C motorhome is a Cutaway vans with large living spaces and overcab sleeping areas

  • Pro: living space, built-in amenities, relatively inexpensive, passthrough
  • Con: parking, low overhangs, build quality, very low MPG


The Travel trailer is the most common kind of RV in the US. Examples include bumper hitch trailers, 5th wheel trailers, teardrops, canned hams, fiberglass eggs.

  • Pro: space, built-in amenities
  • Con: build quality, passthrough, mounting solar

A Cargo trailer is a boxy trailer that can be converted to a living space.

  • Pro: space, ease of modification, mounting solar
  • Con: passthrough
Smaller vehicles

A minivan or SUV is a step above living in your car, but gives enough space for sleeping comfortably if the seats are folded down or removed.

  • Pro: stealth, insurance, already own?, passthrough
  • Con: living space

Common van models:


  • Pro: stealth (with sufficiently tinted windows), MPG, insurance, already own?
  • Con: low living space, limited solar options

Pickup trucks

  • Pro: 4wd can go anywhere, ground clearance, built for towing
  • Con: handling, low overhangs, passthrough, mounting solar, expensive

Next steps

After you've decided what kind of vehicle is right for your needs, what next?