Messing around with technology and remixing stuff in ways they weren't designed to be. Mostly covering solar power and power station reviews, DIY campervan builds, and speakers and hacking Sonos. Follow my ideas at your own risk, they are usually dodgy.
Ask me a question about your project here:
Todd Parker links
YouTube — 102 videos — 72k subscribers |
Channel contents
- This channel features solo male, solar power and batteries.
- This channel has content located in [[United States
- The nomadic living content on this channel begins November 2018.
- YouTube subscribers: 72k
- YouTube videos: 102
- YouTube views: 12 million (average 115k per video)
Keywords (provided by channel): technology prepping, goal zero, solar camping sonos hacking DIY audiophile ecoflow bluetti, solar generators, power stations, campervan tools edc campervan toolkits
Note: this page is not maintained by Todd Parker. Channel description, video stats, and channel keywords are provided by YouTube.