Swivel seats

From Nomad Life Wiki

Swivel seats are a commonly-desired vehicle feature for nomadic living since they add a significant amount of utility to most van builds. They're only useful in vehicles with passthrough; if the vehicle has a bulkhead it can be removed to allow swivels to be installed.

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Installing swivel seats


Swivel seats are usually higher than the stock seats, so you may have less headroom or have more trouble reaching the floor while seated. This issue is more common with aftermarket seats.

We added factory swivels and I regret it. We never use them and seat covers don’t fit with the seatbelt integrated into the seat.[1]

Swivel seats may be heavier than standard seats, which may be a concern if you're nearing your GVWR.

Swivel seats gallery

See more in the Swivel seats category. For image credits, open image and click More Details.


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