
From Nomad Life Wiki
The shadow from a shadecloth shows how some light gets through.

Shadecloth is a woven material that blocks most sunlight while letting some through. It is rated by the amount of light blocked, so 90% shadecloth blocks 90% of the light. Shadecloth is one option for passive cooling to help keep direct sun off those who need to park in full sun to make solar power.

Compared to tarps and awnings, a shadecloth:

  • can be lighter weight
  • is less affected by wind because some can pass through
  • allows more breeze
  • is quieter
  • is generally more expensive
  • is somewhat more bulky due to woven material


Resource Description
ShadeRV A pop-up sun shelter to shade the roof of your vehicle while parked. $900+. Not to be used over solar panels.
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