
From Nomad Life Wiki
(Redirected from Minivan)
A bed platform inside a Toyota Sienna XLE.

Minivans are a workable option for nomadic living for many nomads. They are a step above living in your car, but the additional space can make a big difference. (Minicargos are similar to minivans but are designed for commercial use, featuring a large cargo volume in place of passenger seating.)

Browse Minivans (11)

This is a list of Minivans on this wiki.

Channels featuring Minivans

These channels may have more information about Minivans:

(More channels may be found listed under specific vehicle pages.)

Mini-vanlife Gallery

See more in the Minivans category.



Resource Description
Car Camping Public Facebook group with 338k members as of July 2024.
Car Camping Group Public Facebook group with 4k members as of August 2024.
MinivanRV Camping Private Facebook group, 35k members. "All about camping in a minivanRV camper and road trips in a minivanRV."
WikipediaWikipedia article on this topic.
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Some or all of the content on this page was originally sourced from this page on RVWiki