Honda Odyssey

From Nomad Life Wiki

Honda Odyssey is a minivan sometimes used for nomadic living ...

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Channels featuring Honda Odyssey

These channels may have more information about Honda Odyssey:

Known issues

Achilles heel: transmissions.

Learn more about these vehicles on the Odyssey Club forum.

  • 1999-2001 4-speed B7XA autos could chew up bearings, clogging fluid pathways(( Warranty was extended.[1]
  • 2002-2003 5-speed BYBA autos could experience 2nd gear failures due to lack of lubrication, oil jet added under recall.
  • 2002-(2005?) 5-speed BYBA autos 3rd gear clutch pack failures could cause "As the clutch friction material abraded, it scattered bits inside the transmission case, clogging fluid lines and causing erratic shifting. Drivers might suffer slipping, poor or no shifts, or sudden down-shifts from fifth gear to second gear."[2]
  • 2018 9-speed auto: "TSB 16-087 - Transmission End Cover Leaks (9-Speed A/T)."
  • 2018-2019 10-speed autos have a recall for sudden shifting into park.[3]

Example builds

Honda Odyssey gallery

See more in the Honda Odyssey category.


Honda OdysseyWikipedia article
Repair PalReliability and maintenance costs
Consumer ReportsReliability and vehicle tests
IIHS safety ratingsVehicle crash safety information
Manual-Directory.comOwner's manuals - HondaRepair manuals through 2013
"living in Honda Odyssey"
"Honda Odyssey build"
"Honda Odyssey conversion"
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