
From Nomad Life Wiki
A subfloor in a partially converted Ram ProMaster 2500. The floor has been framed with supporting lumber and XPS foam board laid between the wood for insulation.

Flooring ...

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Depending on your floor construction and insulation choices, you may not need to frame your floor at all. Skoolie builder Chuck Cassady recommends just using XPS foam boards as your subfloor; they have a very high compressive strength and should not be crushed under the weight of your build[1]. Also, since XPS foam has a higher R-value than wood or most other materials, having a wholly XPS foam floor reduces thermal bridging.  More …


Resource Description
Building flooring Example build of flooring in a Ram ProMaster.
Floor installation guide Learn how to install various types of floor in your campervan.
Floor insulation impact Is it worth insulating your vehicle's floor?
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