Eric enjoys Earth

From Nomad Life Wiki

This channel is about van conversion into camper, van life and enjoying the great outdoors! It’s for Van Lifers, future Van Lifers or outdoors adventurers!

It is about motivating and helping people to go with a do it yourself (DIY) project of thinking their own van conversion design, building of that conversion and having fun with that camper!

It’s also about giving great tips about van life!

This channel is all about fun and enjoying planet Earth! There will be also great outdoor adventures!

Eric enjoys Earth links

YouTube — 28 videos — 63k subscribers

Channel contents


  • YouTube subscribers: 63k
  • YouTube videos: 28
  • YouTube views: 3 million (average 119k per video)

    Keywords (provided by channel): Van life, Adventure outdoors travel trip Camping, van conversion, van lifer, mini camper, camper, camper van, van amenager, fourgon amenager

Note: this page is not maintained by Eric enjoys Earth. Channel description, video stats, and channel keywords are provided by YouTube.